Bhutan Nature Plants |
forest are divided into the Alpine Zone (4000m and above) where there is
no forest cover, the Temperate Zone falling between 2000 to 4000m with
conifer or broadleaf forests, and the Subtropical Zone with Tropical or
Subtropical vegetation from an elevation of 150m to 2000m.
Forest types
include Fir Forests, Mixed Conifer Forest; Blue Pine Forest Chirpine Forest,
Broadleaf mixed with Conifer, Upland Hardwood Forest, Lowland Hardwood
Forest, and Tropical Lowland Forests.
than 60 percent of the endemic plant species of the Eastern Himalayas can
be found within Bhutan. Of the 5,500 known species of vascular plants,
50 or more are endemic to Bhutan itself. Although a comprehensive description
of Bhutanese flora is yet to be formulated, it is accepted that several
species are highly valuable for their conservation properties. These include
some for alkaloids and medicinal properties, some as wild gene pools for
crop research, and those that are potentials horticultural crops.
Wildlife and People in Bhutan |
Information on Bhutan |