Information Headlines
Appeals for Peace
We believe Nepal at this moment is at a dead end, so to occur it from continuing this endless spiral of violence, we demand change from all responsible leaders.

PeaceNepal launched an online petition to urge the leaders of the Himalayan Kingdom to reconcile. This way we would like to enable everyone to voice their concern and to put some "friendly pressure" on it's leaders minds. Real change does not happen by arms, real change appears to happen in the mind. So please, let's change those minds...

Om shanti!

Professionals Alliance for Peace and Democracy
The professional organisations of lawyers, journalists, professors and doctors have set up the alliance for peace "Professionals Alliance for Peace and Democracy (PAPAD)". The new alliance want to bring the King, parliamentary parties and the Maoists together to a round table. The three political forces have to solve the burning problems of the country. PAPAD will try to find the minimum demand of the three forces and bring them to a dialogue. PAPAD pointed out that the alliance is not the wing of any political party. The alliance will contribute solutions independently.
Peace for Nepal
Presented by a Nepalese medical student in West China Medical Center, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan province, China.
"I am of the opinion that the present political stalemate and ongoing violence in Nepal should be solved by peaceful negotiations. As far as I believe it is very difficult if not impossible for a ceasefire, hold peace talks and reach a solution until people come to the street and demand for lasting peace."